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Africa Centre of Excellence -OAU ICT-Driven Knowledge Park

Our Mission is to develop a Centre of Excellence in ICT as a Training Hub for ICT and Engineering Education for Nigeria and other countries in the sub-region.

About ACE

Science, Technology and Innovation have become key factors contributing to economic growth in both advanced and developing economies. ICT sector plays an important role, notably by contributing to rapid technological progress and productivity growth. It is now clear that ICT now render international boundaries irrelevant whereby several modern activities transcend international boundaries, which, connotes that we live in a boundless world that is becoming a smaller place. The Centre aims to create a regionally-recognized and acknowledged model that is driven by high-quality postgraduate education for uptake and commercialization of research and technology to advance the growth of ICT industry. The Centre will provide the launch pad for start-up companies borne out of university research activities, and collaboration with partnering ICT companies, who will have the competitive advantage of proximity and direct access to the intellectual infrastructure and output of the university.


Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for the construction of the Design Studio for the Africa Centre of Excellence, OAU ICT-Driven Knowledge Park) Project.

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Objectives Of The ACE Project


Centre of Excellence

Develop a center of excellence in ICT as a training hub in software engineering for Nigeria and other countries in the sub-region.


Research & Grants

Develop the next generation of scientists, researchers, teachers, entrepreneurs and product developers in the area of ICT through appropriate practice-anchored capacity building measures and enrolling new postgraduate students from Nigeria and the sub-region.


Creativity & Innovation

Stimulate creativity and excellence in research and innovation in ICT applicable to other fields and related to regional developmental objectives, in postgraduate students, with opportunities for industrial research uptake through the Centre model.


Postgraduate Studies

Expand learning opportunities for postgraduate students in all the sectors, by deploying existing and new developments in ICT, for which OAU is leading in the sub-region.


Academic - Industry

Leverage on the intellectual infrastructure and output of the university to serve as the launch pad for start-up ICT companies borne out of university research activities, by partnering companies. For example the OAU Phase I Centre of Excellence in Software Engineering exhibited two software developed within the short space of its existence recently, causing CHAMS Nigeria PLC (an industry-partner in this initiative as well) to enter into an Agreement to establish its software development hub at the University. The Centre will be the natural habitat for moreof such developments.

What People Say About Us

“I just wanted to share a quick note and let you know that you guys do a really good job. I'm glad I decided to work with you. It's really great how easy your websites are to update and manage."

“I just wanted to share a quick note and let you know that you guys do a really good job. I'm glad I decided to work with you. It's really great how easy your websites are to update and manage."

Our Partners
